www.integrissecurity.com is now live
July 23, 2013
Good evening everyone,
We broke ground about 40 days ago and here's our story:
Integris Security LLC has grown out of years passion for protecting our city, state and nation, its critical infrastructures and providing industry professionals with the best of breed solutions, practices and top notch security awareness. As things change for us from InfraGard to Integris Security LLC one thing will never change - the importance of nurturing your TRUST.
InfraGard a national public/private program of the FBI is the crossroad that brought us together as individual security professionals and that frames the very basis of our focus as a private security
company. Our security journey at InfraGard is well documented at NYM Infragard. We understand all too well the meaning behind Confidentiality, Availability and Integrity; in part its where we derived our name from. Each member of our staff at Integris is a vetted security professional.
For twelve years we've been taking the calls, learning what keeps you up at night and the utter frustration some of you are going through. The gentle balance of security and functionality continues and is a struggle that many professionals in industry have to deal with as a part of their daily routine. We have been busy identifying products, solutions, building bridges between the public and private sectors by seeding discussions, helping others to manage their expectations by providing our analysis, perspectives and at times putting out some fires. We've taken a bumpy ride with you on Wireless, BYOD, Network Security, DLP, The Cloud, Intelligence and much more. We've asked and will continue to ask the questions over and again what are we protecting, why are we protecting it and who owns the data?
At Integris Security we can help you emphasize and prioritize the importance of what's critical to running the business, in identifying the data to be protected, in testing to identify your vulnerabilities, identification of what and who is on your network, in helping you resolve audit recommendations and provide you with a roadmap for future success.
It all starts with building the trust.
We are very excited to continue the security journey with you and invite you to contact us with your security, risk management needs or if all you need is someone to listen as you walk us through your security/risk management concerns.
- www.integrissecurity.com is live