Today's cyber security conference held by the Long Island Business News at the Huntington Hilton was a huge success. The conference was packed and the panel with headliner U.S. Congressman Lee Zeldin was both informative and far reaching.
A wide range of cyber security topics included a discussion of the potential federal funding of security awareness strategies like, "If you see something, Say Something". Attendee's suggested a new cyber security awareness strategy like see something be started. Blake Cornell, CTO Integris Security suggest we use, "Think twice before you click twice". The simple message was something that everyone agreed was needed.
The panel touched upon some key areas and agreed that security awareness training when implemented correctly brings everyone into the company's security strategy and not just the security team. Twenty - thirty employees watching the security posture of a company is better than 3-5 employees from the security team. Chief Security Officers have their hands full and gaining the trust and confidence of all employees to be on the look out makes the CSO's job 100% easier.
Is it IT or is it Business? A lively discussion broke out concerning the politics, budgeting and organizational culture in which professional security people work in. This environment is not always 100% on board with a strong security posture. General agreement was reached on the theory of security starting from the top down works best. If the boss is concerned about security so is everyone else. The next discussion was about whether it was the business or IT department. Well, this was put to rest quickly. The IT staff and security personnel need to team with business unit managers and ask them to take ownership for what belongs to them and what is enabling their success. The better the integration with business leaders on function and feature of the computer tools used to bring profits to the business, the smoother the discussions will be for improvements to strengthen the security budgets so that the profit center environment is safe and secure. The better everyone will sleep.
Their are a great many things that people can do to keep the internet secure. Unfortunately their are a great many things which LURE us away from this common sense approach to internet safety. Changing (long with symbols, CAPS, lowercase letters and numbers) passwords every 90 days is driving a positive change for your safety and security on the internet. Writing those passwords down and storing them in a secure place is also a good idea. See more ideas on our web site.
For a two hour conference this one was packed with information and many new contacts as well. Good job to LIBN and we look forward to next years conference and some of the articles to appear in LIBN which should keep everyone on their toes.
For additional information on security tips, visit we have a full page of tips on our web site.
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