Friday, September 21, 2018

Integris Security LLC update.

Good afternoon all.  Effective 9-21-18 our web site has been transition and placed back into the public space for all to view.

We continue to focus on three main industries:

Take a look around.  Its new so not too much is in place yet.  But we wanted to get it out to our clients, friends and family.


Strange bed fellows with U.S. FBI

The threats and vulnerabilities are coming at industry and government fast and furiously with each new day springing something new.  This past week we participated in a conference call re: Mirai Botnet Authors wherein we learned the FBI is now working with cyber crooks to learn methods and operations so that the FBI can be as effective as possible in their national security mission.  These cyber crooks can't be trusted was the commonly held belief by all on the call.  The FBI needs to tread carefully when putting these resources to use and carefully balance the national security needs of our nation with common criminals.

Our new web site hosts a number of our services but like most days we focus on what's in front of us and how we maybe of assistance to help our clients.  Happy navigating and we hope to make our web site and social media interesting.

#cybersecurity  #integrissecurity  #Miraibotnet  #smallbusiness   #healthcare  #financialservices

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