Monday, April 27, 2020

Pandemic: Human Resource Help

A Resource no one should ignore

As some of you will no doubt know I do a lot of networking on LinkedIn.  I'm always interested in what's growing, what's moving and how to advance the story of our lives here in America.  Many of my professional connections are on LinkedIn and I am thrilled that I can reach into the resource from time to time seek the advice and opinions that they willingly provide.

This post is about exposing a resource whose time has come.  The need is here and people should pay attention to the depth and breathe of posts.  Its about helping others who may really be in a bind due to the downturn (self imposed) of our economy during this pandemic.  As we press forward and reopen our economy the endless opportunities will slowly give rise to America's unlimited potential which should be great news for everyone involved.

In the meantime, Andrew Seaman does a segment on LinkedIn called #Gethired and provides some tremendous resources that I have found to be just terrific and incredibly helpful.  Andrew is a great writer and inserts into his posts another resource of LinkedIn called LinkedIn Learning.  I have viewed many of the videos and taken a number of these courses and found the quality to be top notch.  He quotes experts from the field and links them in his posts for additional value.  I call that bonus points.

A take away from the resume course is in the table I'm inserting below.  Within a few minutes you can brighten your day and freshen up that resume with color and relevance.

Tell a story
Never give up

I was also interested in what LinkedIn was saying on its blog.  Yes, if you didn't know it LinkedIn has a blog and this is another terrific resource for all involved.  LinkedIn has managed to pull together a great team of individuals on its platform who do one terrific job of communicating.  That can not be understated.

That's what this post is all about.  Take a look at your LinkedIn account and drive some attention to the posts and resources that LinkedIn personnel and contactors have so handsomely put together in one place for your use.

@andrewseaman #Gethired

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