Friday, October 21, 2016

Cyber Security Month: Looking for Answers: Part I?

LI Business New Cyber Conference
Hilton, was once again informative, invigorating and enrolling. With a number of panelists participating, including both the Integris Security CTO, Blake Cornell, and United States Congressman US District 1, Lee Zeldin, nearly 100 individuals attended the breakfast event.
Topics of interest had included Cyber Terrorism, Business Continuity, Government Legislation, Small Business Best Practices and other wide ranging topics. Some of the information shared, information that attendees can use in their day to day business operations.
A goal of Integris Security CTO, Blake Cornell, was to provide “simple and sound information that is short and sweet” further stating that “if your employees are untrained then no amount of technical information will help them understand. You can’t make them understand but you can help them understand”.

Blake Cornell is the CTO of Integris Security LLC.

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